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For Girl Scouts

Let me send you the Theme Park Design Challenge guide! It's the perfect 20 minute activity for troops heading to a theme park to celebrate their cookie earnings or for troops working on STEM, inventor, or engineering-themed badges. And you only need pencil and paper!

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I'm Aubre Andrus!

I'm a former troop leader, former Girl Scout, former American Girl editor, current children's book author, and mom of two girls. I've been asked to share my experience as an author with many troops, as well as to share an activity from my latest project, The Look Up Series.


I found this activity was super helpful for busy troop leaders, especially those who feel a little unqualified to be teaching STEM topics. But remember, we're simply trying to inspire curiosity and confidence in science, technology, engineering, and math. And that starts with you! 


Please enjoy and share with others,



Aubre Andrus Author Photo; Photo credit by Ariel Moore.jpeg
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